
Googa History

Following the example of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Outward Bound and drawing heavily on the experience of other Queensland Lutheran Schools, it was felt by staff at ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± that students could benefit greatly from an extended, residential, out of the classroom experience. As time at the existing centres was limited, it was decided to pursue the possibility of another centre.

Through the co-operation of Lutheran Schools and the Forestry Service, Googa became available in late 1988. After many working bees and weekend visits, the old camp was transformed from a single men’s camp into a centre capable of accommodating a co-educational group of up to 48 students.

Four extra buildings were moved in. They were the hall, staff building, a fourth dormitory and a new dormitory fitted out for students with special needs requirements. In addition, an extra male and female dormitory were added to cater for the school’s increase in size.

A Director was appointed in September 1989 and the first ¸Û²Ê¿ª½± students began their four week course in January, 1990.