
Lutheran Education

The Lutheran Church has a long history of valuing education. Martin Luther in the 1500’s spoke often of the importance of education, and Lutherans soon started schools, even for girls! The first thing our Lutheran settlers did when they arrived in Australia was start schools.

There are Lutheran services and schools throughout Australia administered by three systems. The largest system is in Queensland.

There are Lutheran schools throughout the world, in places as diverse as Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Zimbabwe, in the West Bank of Palestine, and throughout Indonesia, in Germany, PNG, Canada and USA, Brazil and more...

The Lutheran church has over 65 million members worldwide. It is the largest and oldest protestant church in the world.

Our Schools and Services

  • Aim for excellence in all we do
  • Offer students and children an holistic education where learning goes beyond the academic; for us, education includes the social, physical and spiritual
  • Care for students and children; we know that our actions have consequences, that self discipline is valued as an important skill to learn
  • Are Christian services and schools; we have regular worship and teach Christian Studies as a normal part of the curriculum. Our approach is educational and invitational
  • Work closely together in partnerships with all our families and communities to support the growth and learning of their children
  • Aim to reflect a community that lives out core values of compassion, forgiveness, justice, love, service, humility, courage, hope, quality and appreciation
  • Value service learning and often have both national and international service projects, where students learn how to serve others and contribute to community wellbeing
  • Respect our stewardship of the environment, aiming for sustainable use of our finite resources

There are more than 17,000 students in Lutheran schools across Queensland in 10 primary schools and 17 colleges, most of which are P-12. Three of these colleges are boarding schools. Our colleges also own four Outdoor Education Centres.

Schools range in size from 100 students to over 2,100 students, and they are found from Cairns to the NSW border with a number in rural areas of Queensland.

In addition to our schools, LEQ cares for around 4,000 children in 19 outside school hours care services, 2 family day care services, 15 long day care services, 16 kindergartens, and 2 occasional care services. They are from Mt Isa and Cairns to the Gold Coast.

Lutheran schools and services are characterized by a commitment to quality, affordable, Christian education which is value-based. They are inclusive, serving Queensland’s diverse community. Students and children come from many nationalities, denominations and religions; we have also had a long term commitment to Indigenous students.

Basic Christian Principles

  1. Human beings were created by God for a happy, loving and responsible relationship with Him. The pattern of human life was to be marked by love for God, love for fellow human beings and care for the rest of creation.
  2. Human sinfulness disrupted that pattern of living, leading to rejection of God, selfishness against others and a despoiling of the world of nature.
  3. In order to return to a right relationship with God, people need to recognise their sinfulness and come to personal faith in the Saviour God sent, Jesus Christ.
  4. Such faith is the work of the Holy Spirit who works through the Gospel message of God’s grace and forgiveness in Christ.
  5. Genuine Christian faith will bring with it the desire to follow God’s original intentions for human life.
  6. This Christian life does not spring full-blown into existence. In fact, the Christian will never live perfectly in this life, but will have to battle against the demands of their sinful nature.
  7. Nevertheless, God wants His people to “grow in grace” i.e. to grow towards Christian maturity and wholeness.

    “It was Christ who ‘gave gifts to mankind’; He appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to be evangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ. And so we shall all come together to that oneness in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God we shall become mature people, reaching to the very height of Christ’s full stature.”
    (Ephesians: 4:11-13)